

What is IntuitiveTables?

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IntuitiveTables is a one size fits all table organizer and hotkey program that helps poker players manage their tables with ease across a variety of sites.

Why should I use IntuitiveTables over a competitor?

IntuitiveTables is designed to be incredibly easy to use. Setup is a breeze and support is available 7 days a week. You may customize the software as much or as little as you want. The free two week trial requires no commitments of any kind (not even an email) so try it for yourself!

Is IntuitiveTables Legal?

Yes! IntuitiveTables is simply a table organizer and hotkey program and does not break any Terms of Services.

What Operating Systems are supported?

• Windows 7
• Windows 10

Which poker websites are currently supported?

• PokerStars - NJ/PA/.com
• PartyPoker - NJ/MGM/Borgata/.com/ES/FR/CZE/Bwin/Coral/Crystal
• PacificPoker - 888.com/NJ WSOPNJ/NV/DE
• WPN - AmericasCardRoom/True Poker/YaPoker/BlackChip Poker/PokerKing
• Chico - BetOnline/TigerGaming/SportsBetting
• GGPoker - GGPoker/Natural8/OlyBet/2Bet4Win
• Winamax - Winamax
• iPoker - All skins including Betfair/Bet365/William Hill/Titan and more
• Ignition - Ignition/Bovada/Bodog
• CoinPoker (Coming soon...) - CoinPoker
• Global (Coming soon...) - Global Poker (*table placement only)
• Please contact support if you skin does not function.

General Usage Questions

How can I get help setting up and using IntuitiveTables?

Please first view the Site Setup guide for each site you play. For more detailed help on the IntuitiveTables interface first start by viewing the Interactive Guide. You may also join IntuitiveTables discord for additional help.


Can IntuitiveTables stack or stack and tile tables?

Yes, both! The only sites not supported are Global Poker and iPoker. If you'd to help add support for stacking on iPoker please contact support.

Can IntuitiveTables convert Chips to BB?

No, but this is a highly requested feature and one that will hopefully be added in the future.

How do I set up hotkeys?

Main table moving hotkeys are in the Table Hotkeys tab. Descriptions on each hotkey is available there. Betting hotkeys can be configured in the Betting Hotkeys tab. Stack specific hotkeys can be configured in the Stack Hotkeys tab. If you wish to change how your hotkeys are triggered navigate to the Hotkey Settings tab and you can choose the specific parts of the table the hotkey will work. Here you can choose a hotkey target of Table Under Mouse or Active Table. A description of the two is available in this tab.

What is the difference between a global and non-global hotkey?

If the hotkey is global, it will activate on your system regardless of where your mouse is located. Otherwise, non-global hotkeys work ONLY when your mouse is over a poker table (with the exception of the betting box or chat box area, which is defined as the lower 1/4 of the poker table). Please refer to the Hotkey Settings tab inside IntuitiveTables for a visual reference.

Will IntuitiveTables work with Screen Magnification?

Screen Magnification or 'Scale and Layout' will affect how IntuitiveTables reads your poker tables. This will lead to scaling issues on certain poker sites. If you have this setting turned on in Windows you have two options. You can disable DPI scaling for each poker site you play or you can turn the magnification back to 100%. Click here to follow the guide.

Can I change which sites I play?


Yes! However, adding or removing a site will affect your grid if you are playing with table sizes very large or very small. Each site has a different table maximum and minimum that IntuitiveTables uses to build the grid. When a site is added or removed that maximum or minimum may change and your grid may no longer be perfect. If you notice a problem after changing the sites inside IntuitiveTables, just adjust the main 'Table Size' slider to rebuild the grid to your liking and click save.

Subscription Questions

Are there any refunds for IntuitiveTables?

No. IntuitiveTables should be fully tested using the free two week trial before purchasing. Here you may decide if the software is right for you.

How can I manage my subscription?

The subscription can be managed at any time inside IntuitiveTables using the Register -> Manage Subscription toolbar, or by creating an account here using the same email you used to subscribe. Here you may update payment information, view past payment dates and subscription state, or cancel your subscription. After cancelling, you will continue to have access to IntuitiveTables until the end of the payment term.

How can I switch plans?

The best way to switch plans is to cancel your current subscription and let the payment term expire. Once it has expired, you may purchase a new plan and new registration information will be emailed to you.

How many computers can I run IntuitiveTables on using the same license?

IntuitiveTables will only run on one computer at a time. If you need to switch your license to a new computer please contact support.

How can I contact support?

If you would like to report an issue, or have any questions please email Support@IntuitiveTables.com or post the question in the Discord Server: IntuitiveTables.

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