Legendary Waters
Generally, the minimum age to reserve a guestroom at Legendary Waters Resort and Casino is 21 years old, however this age may vary depending on property location. A person of the minimum age requirement must be present at check-in time and become a registered guest in the roomCHILDREN
At Legendary Waters Resort and Casino, children are 17 years old and younger and room rate may vary on child's age.NUMBER PER ROOM
The maximum number of people (combined adults and children) allowed per room is typically four (4) guests, depending on room type. For optimal search results when booking more than one room, please separate accompanying children equally between rooms.
Best Available Rate search does not include affiliated or senior rates. To qualify for the Government Rate, you must be a federal U.S. government employee. Active U.S. government identification must be presented at check-in. This rate is not valid for government contractors. Government employees may only book one room at this rate during their stay. To qualify for the Senior Citizen Rate, you must be 62 years of age or older. Valid identification must be presented at check-in. Senior citizens may only room at this rate during their stay.
Best Available Rate search does not include affiliated or senior rates. To qualify for the Government Rate, you must be a federal U.S. government employee. Active U.S. government identification must be presented at check-in. This rate is not valid for government contractors. Government employees may only book one room at this rate during their stay. To qualify for the Senior Citizen Rate, you must be 62 years of age or older. Valid identification must be presented at check-in. Senior citizens may only room at this rate during their stay.
Best Available Rate search does not include affiliated or senior rates. To qualify for the Government Rate, you must be a federal U.S. government employee. Active U.S. government identification must be presented at check-in. This rate is not valid for government contractors. Government employees may only book one room at this rate during their stay. To qualify for the Senior Citizen Rate, you must be 62 years of age or older. Valid identification must be presented at check-in. Senior citizens may only room at this rate during their stay.
With access to 400 airlines and a whopping 1,000,000 properties across the globe, finding the perfect Legendary Waters Casino package deal couldn’t be simpler.
Best Available Rate search does not include affiliated or senior rates. To qualify for the Government Rate, you must be a federal U.S. government employee. Active U.S. government identification must be presented at check-in. This rate is not valid for government contractors. Government employees may only book one room at this rate during their stay.
To qualify for the Senior Citizen Rate, you must be 62 years of age or older. Valid identification must be presented at check-in. Senior citizens may only room at this rate during their stay.
Legendary Waters Resort & Casino: With our top priority continuing to be the health and safety of our valued guests and team members and at the recommendation of the health experts, the Tribal Council for the Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians has decided to continue the suspension of all operations ( casino, hotel and restaurant) until further notice. Legendary Waters Casino, Red Cliff: Hours, Address, Legendary Waters Casino Reviews: 3.5/5.
Best Available Rate search does not include affiliated or senior rates. To qualify for the Government Rate, you must be a federal U.S. government employee. Active U.S. government identification must be presented at check-in. This rate is not valid for government contractors. Government employees may only book one room at this rate during their stay. To qualify for the Senior Citizen Rate, you must be 62 years of age or older. Valid identification must be presented at check-in. Senior citizens may only room at this rate during their stay.
Reservation Room Class
Escape Ordinary, Experience Legendary everyday with hotel amenities you expect to find at a luxury resort. The hotel offers 47 deluxe rooms and premiere suites, each of them with a Lake Superior and Apostle Islands view, not to mention our impeccable guest service and all of the special touches. Expect the very best in elegant décor and accommodations, gaming and entertainment from the finest Casino Resort in Northern Wisconsin.

Legendary Water Serpents

For Reservations call 1-800-226-8478
Hotel Check-in: 3PM / Hotel Check out: 11AM
48 Hour Cancellation Policy. Ask about our Pet Friendly Rooms (Dogs Only).

These luxurious two-room suites feature a large balcony overlooking Lake Superior and the Apostle Islands. Your bedroom comes with a comfy king bed, an electric fireplace, whirlpool bath, separate shower, and a sizable kitchenette.
These roomy, corner suites feature Lake Superior and Apostle Island views and an expansive king-sized bed. Some rooms feature a whirlpool.
Legendary Waters Location
Either a single king bed or two queen beds, both with amazing views of Lake Superior, it would be the perfect choice for any traveler.

Every room features a beautiful Lake Superior view! We offer a wide range of amenities. Free wifi, mini-fridge and microwave in every room, Native American soaps, and more!
Fall/Winter 2020/2021
Stay the First night at regular price get the second night 50% off. Any two consecutive days of your choice. King or Deluxe rooms only. No coupon required.
Legendary Waters Facebook
- 37600 Onigamiing Drive, Red Cliff, WI 54814
- (800) 226 - 8478
- general@legendarywaters.com